Monday, December 8, 2008

A Separate Peace Essay Topics

Student Essay Topics:

1. How did Leper’s theory about survival apply to Gene and Finny.
2. Did Finny break the system or did the system break Finny.
3. Was Gene really a savage or a good boy underneath?
4. Did Gene see Finny as a friend or an enemy.
5. In what ways was a separate peace portrayed in the novel.
6. Is Gene having a problem with Finny, or simply an internal character struggle.
7. Who is Gene’s true enemy and did he really defeat him?
8. Compare and contrast Gene and Finny, who’s a better friend?
9. How did the approaching war change Gene and Finny?
10. How does Finny symbolize a separate peace.
11. Did Gene intentionally make Finny fall out of the tree?
12. Was Gene to blame for Finny’s death?
13. Did Gene change after Finny’s death?
14. What does friendship teach Gene and Finny?
15. How did Phineas influence Gene?
16. Does Finny’s optimistic attitude have any meaning because he died in the novel?
17. How is this a story about boys becoming men?
18. How did the external conflict of the war affect the internal conflicts between Gene and Finny?
19. How does Finny help Gene conquer his true enemy.

Compose an essay that is at least 3 pages long responding to one of the prompts. This paper should be in MLA format, double spaced, and with no errors.

Due Friday December 13th.

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