Thursday, October 23, 2008

Antigone/ Oedipus Paper

Essay Topics: “Antigone” / “Oedipus”
English 10 Honors
Due: Wednesday October 29, 2008

Directions: Write a well constructed 3-4 page paper on one of the following topics. Your paper should include an introduction, thesis, supporting body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Use evidence from the text to support your assertions.
100 Points

Topic 1: Compare and contrast Oedipus and Creon. Which do you think suffered a worse fate? Why?

Topic 2: In analyzing the aggressive sexism in “Antigone,” what is the prevailing message to the Greek audience about a woman’s role in society?

Topic 3: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Describe the downfall of Creon in “Antigone” in relation to how we see him in “Oedipus.” What sparks this change? What do you see as the turning point for Creon’s downfall? Describe the different ways Sophocles shows the corrupting force of power.

Choose Your Own Topic: If you have another topic you want to write about you can. You must bring in a written proposal of the topic by Sunday October 26 and get it accepted by Mr. George.

Post on Blog and turn in hard copy.

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